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Visitor Information/Restrictions

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Visitor Information/Restrictions

Barrett Hospital & HealthCare is passionate about improving the quality of care and service we provide to our patients.  And we know that having visitors can be an essential part of a patient’s recovery.  If your loved one, friend, or family member is visiting with us, we encourage them to read the information provided below to prepare for their visit.


Visiting Hours

Visiting hours are unlimited providing the maximum involvement of family to enhance each patient's overall well-being.  After 5:00 pm, all visitors must check in through the Emergency Department.  Please be sure to bring a driver’s license or other photo ID.  Some areas of the facility may have more specific requirements regarding patient visitors (The Obstetrics department, for example).


If you are ill with a cough, cold, or have fever, please wait to visit any patient in the hospital until you are fully recovered.  Children who are sick or who have been exposed to communicable diseases should not visit hospital patients.​​​

We are pleased to offer fresh and flavorsome meal options at our River Café. 
Weekday Breakfast: 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM
Weekday Lunch: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM​

Vending Machine

Soft drinks and bottled water are available from a vending machine located in the River Café 24 hours a day.

Gift Shop

You don't have time to pick up a gift?  Visit the gift shop, which is staffed by volunteers, located just off the main atrium if you are looking for candy (See's Candies® available seasonally), activity books and puzzles, greeting cards, jewelry, clothing, plush animals, baby items and engraved leaf's for the family tree plaque.

Gift Shop Hours:

Monday: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Tuesday and Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Thursday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Hours are subject to change


Maps & Directions

Barrett Hospital & Emergency Care

Barrett Hospital Provider Clinic

Walk-In Clinic

Visiting Specialists Clinic

600 MT Hwy 91 S Dillon, MT 59725

30 MT Hwy 91 S Dillon, MT 59725

30 MT Hwy 91 S Dillon, MT 59725

90 MT Hwy 91 S Dillon, Montana 59725

Lodging Options

There are many options for lodging near Barrett Hospital & HealthCare.  

To find out more visit the Beaverhead Chamber of Commerce at:

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